Friday, 2 February 2018

White Box Testing

white box testing
White Box Testing Definition:
Testing conducted by having access to the code is called White Box Testing.Tester can see inside the box and can examine it for clues.Based on what he sees he can determine certain numbers are more likely to fail.White box testing in software engineering is performed at early stages.
It is also known as glass box,clear box testing.It is also referred as 'Structural Testing'.

White Box Testing Techniques:
1.Statement Coverage or Line Coverage:
The most simplest form of code coverage is Statement coverage.Here the goal is to ensure that we execute every statement in the program atleast once.
2.Branch Coverage:
Here we ensure that all the paths in the program are covered and tested atleast once.
3.Condition Coverage: 
Condition coverage ensures that an extra condition on the branches are taken into account.It ensures that each statement and branch are covered.

Advantages of White Box Testing:
1.Testing can start early in SDLC.
2.More thorough testing can be done as all paths are tested.
3.Code Optimization.

Disadvantages of White Box Testing:
1.Time consuming.
2.It can be complex.
3.Missing functionality may not be discovered. 

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