Friday 15 January 2021

What is the difference between Test Case and Test Script?

 Test Case:

A test case is a document prepared by software test engineer which contains steps to be executed to test the functionality of software product.A test case document is prepared by referring Software Requirement Specification document.It is prepared after a Test Plan document.No prograaming knowledge is required.

Test Script:

Test Script is a set of instructions written to test the functionality of software product.Test Scripts are generally prepared by Automation Testers.Programming knowledge is required.

Test Case

Test Script

1.Usually prepared by Manual Testers.

1.Prepared by Automation Testers.

2.No programming knowledge is required.

2.Programming knowledge is required.

3.This term is used in manual testing environment.

3.This term is used in automation testing environment.

4.Test cases are executed manually.

4.Test Scripts are executed using automation tools.

5.It is classified as positive test cases, negative test cases.

5.It is classified as manual test scripts and automation test scripts.