Monday, 25 March 2024

How to write a good and effective Bug Report

Bug Reporting is an important and most essential part of a software testing activity. It provides information about an issue in an application or product. An effective bug report  can help address the issue. It can include various parameters like Title, Bug  description ,Steps to reproduce and many more. Bug report also assist the development team.

For the development team to address a bug precisely and on time, effective bug reporting is necessary. A well-written bug report should be clear, detailed, and easy to read.

How to write a good and effective Bug Report:

Following steps can help to write an effective bug report:

1.Attempt to replicate the bug clearly.

2.Gather environmental data like the Operating system, browser, application software, tools if any.

3.Insert exact steps  to reproduce the bug.

4.Attach screenshots, images or videos for clear understanding.

5.Clearly highlight the expected result which is deviating from the actual result.

6.Add any relevant information required to understand the bug and its severity.

What does a bug report consist of ?

1.Bug ID:A unique number generated by the bug reporting software.

2.Title:Brief and precise information about the bug.

3.Environment:Specify the exact environment details like operating system,browser type,software application version,hardware details.

4.Steps to reproduce:Clearly provide a step by step guide to reproduce the bug.

5.Expected Result:Clearly specify the expected result as per the business requirements or functional requirements.

6.Actual Result: Write the actual result which the software application produced.

7.Severity: Specify the level of severity considering the impact.