Saturday, 12 June 2021

What is the difference between SDET and Manual Tester?

 SDET stands for Software Development Engineer In Test. SDET can be viewed as a combination of developer and tester but mainly related to testing phase.SDET requires  skills of development and testing both.

SDET can be responsible for performing different types of testings like Functional, Non Functional  and Security testing and hence should be aware of Scripting technologies.They should also be highly proficient in latest test automation tools.

SDET must be able to develop  test automation frameworks as well as work with development and deployment teams and should be able to resolve issues if any.

SDET are expected to have  good domain knowledge in order to carry out different activities in Testing in an efficient and productive way.

Hence SDET pay packages are at higher level compared to that of manual testers.

SDETManual Tester
1. Development and Testing knowledge is
1. Testing knowledge is mandatory.
2. Responsible for automating test cases.2. Responsible for designing and executing test cases
3. Good programming skills are required.3. Limited programming skills are required.
4. work on test automation tools and
generate scripts
4.Usually responsible for performing manual testing.
5. Offered higher salary package than testers.5. Lower salary package as compared to SDET.