RPA(Robotic Process Automation) is the process of automating the business processes of an organization using software robots. RPA robots are capable of mimicking most of the human actions.
It is based on the concept of Screen Scraping .Screen Scraping is the process of collecting the screen data from legacy applications.RPA tools differ from the normal automation tools.RPA is based on Artificial Intelligence(AI).
In normal automation tools the automation tester creates a list of actions to automate a specific task of an application whereas RPA tools develops the action list by watching the user actions.
Benefits of RPA:
1. Complete processes more rapidly.
2.Cost is reduced significantly.
3.Robots do not get tired.
4.Improves scalability.
List of RPA Tools:
2.Automation Anywhere.
3.Blue Prism.
It is based on the concept of Screen Scraping .Screen Scraping is the process of collecting the screen data from legacy applications.RPA tools differ from the normal automation tools.RPA is based on Artificial Intelligence(AI).
In normal automation tools the automation tester creates a list of actions to automate a specific task of an application whereas RPA tools develops the action list by watching the user actions.
Benefits of RPA:
1. Complete processes more rapidly.
2.Cost is reduced significantly.
3.Robots do not get tired.
4.Improves scalability.
List of RPA Tools:
2.Automation Anywhere.
3.Blue Prism.