Friday, 30 March 2018

Formal Review

Formal review is a a process under which static white box testing is performed.

The four essential elements of formal review are :
1.Identify Problems:The goal is to find problems with software such as  missing items,wrong items.The criticism should be directed to the code and not the person who has written the code.
2.Follow the rules:Fixed set of rules are to be followed.It may be how many lines of code(LOC) is to be reviewed in the prescribed time(like 2 hours).Make a rule for writing the comments etc.
3.Prepare:Every participant must prepare for and contribute to the review.Different reviews have different roles.
4.Write a Report:A written report is prepared which contains the results of the review.The report may contain information like how many problems where found,where and when.

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Advantages and Disadvantages of using the Tools

Using the tool has its own benefits and drawbacks in the testing activity.

The advantages of using the tool are as follows:
1.Consistent: Tools are consistent in behavior.
2.Reusable: The tests developed with the help of tool can be used for different version of software.
3.Repeatable: Repeated execution can be performed in an efficient way.
4. Programmable: The test tool helps us to generate the scripts.
5. Fast: Tools runs the test faster than humans.

The disadvantages of using tool are as follows:
1.Over dependency on the tool.
2.Unrealistic expectation from the tools.
3. Mistakes made in estimating the cost and effort by introduction of tool.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Verification vs Validation



1.Are we building the product right?

1.Are we building the right product?

2.It is a static technique.

2.It is a dynamic technique.

3.Verification takes place before validation.

3.Validation takes place after verification.

4.It is done by developers.

4.It is done by testers.

5.Ensures that software meets all the functionalities.

5.Ensure that functionalities meet intended behaviour.

6.E.g. Inspections,Walkthroughs.

6.E.g.Smoke Testing,Regression testing,Functional testing.


Friday, 2 March 2018

What is a good Test Case?

A good test case is a test case which finds a defect.The good test case must contain all the details and coverage required to perform effective testing.

What is a Test Case?

Test Case is a set of conditions with the help of which a software test engineer will determine whether a system under test satisfies the requirements of an application.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

What is Gray Box Testing?

It is the combination of black box testing and white box testing.A gray box tester has partial knows the internal structure which can include documentation like design document,algorithms used.Thus it can include the benefits of black box testing and white box testing. 
It is also known as "Grey Box Testing".

Gray Box Testing = Black Box Testing + White Box Testing.

Tools for Gray Box Testing:
1.Chrome DevTools.
2.Rational Functional Tester.

1. It is mainly used for web application testing.
2.It is used in integration testing.